We prepare the military community to excel in project management worldwide


Welcome to the Military PM Resource Center of Excellence, brought to you by the Project Management Institute Northeast Florida Chapter (PMI-NEFL) Military Outreach Team.

Our dynamic and passionate volunteer team is dedicated to serving the military community. We are committed to helping you successfully bridge the transition between military service and project management careers and certifications.

If you are part of the military community - including active duty service members, retirees, transitioning service members, reservists, guardsmen, veterans, or military spouses - and want to obtain a project management certification, you are in the right place.

This page provides valuable information and resources to position you for excellence during and after military service. We encourage you to explore all that our chapter has to offer. Please connect with us so we can help you on your journey to project management success.

We are thrilled to have you here and look forward to supporting your professional growth and development. Welcome aboard!


Alexa Jenkins, PMP

The partnership between O2O and NEFL PMI made it easy to apply, study and pass my PMP exam. Shelon and Craig allowed me to see that Project Managment was not just a “check in the box” for transition, but a skill that I could apply and leverage to many jobs—regardless of the official title. I felt like I had a team of people encouraging me along the way. Craig and Shelon constantly demonstrate and inspire how PMP qualified folks care about servant leadership, open communication, and team performance. So thrilled to be part of this esteemed group!

Alexa Jenkins, PMP



The demand for project managers is clear

Global Project Management Job Trends:

According to PMI’s most recent Talent Gap report, 2.3 million people will be needed each year to fill all project management-oriented positions expected to open by 2030. To remain competitive, companies must hire problem solvers and relationship builders to help them drive change and deliver strategic value.



Project Management: A Fast Growing Profession

With project management being one of the fastest growing, highest demand careers worldwide, an immense opportunity awaits the military community.

Forward-thinking organizations recognize both the inherent value of skilled project managers and veterans' cross-applicable expertise. This creates a prime opening for service members to leverage their experience into rewarding project management careers.

Not only does the project management profession enable veterans to elevate leadership and management skills and competencies, but with US median salaries exceeding $115,000, it offers tremendous earning potential. The demand is growing, the potential is rich, and the opportunity is now - project management represents an exciting career path for veterans to pursue.

Military Experience Translates to a Successful Project Manager

With your military experience, you already possess many of the key skills to excel in project management. Leading cross-functional teams, managing budgets, scheduling activities, and operationalizing mission objectives exemplify the operational, strategic, and technical abilities sought after.

Moreover, embodying the unwavering warrior ethos of accomplishing the mission, never accepting defeat, and leaving no one behind represents leadership qualities that lead to organizational success. Your expertise in conflict resolution and performance management also showcase critical soft skills.

There is tremendous alignment between the military and project management. Your background has developed the competencies needed to take advantage of the immense opportunity this growing, high-demand field presents. Leverage your operationalizing experience and warrior ethos to pursue a rewarding project management career.


How to Get Started in Project Management

• Check out 
• The Professional Development courses help to improve your skill set, increase your value in an organization and enhance your career prospects through in-person and online training. PMI’s Career Central is an information hub for knowledge, connections, employment opportunities and resources to empower your career.
• Join your local chapter to meet other Project Managers to get a better feel for this career path.

• Download PMI's Operation: Quality for Hire 


Our Valued Partners in the career transition of our Military, Veterans and Spouses:

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Onward to Opportunity Program Overview:


Onward to Opportunity - Local Florida Military Communities:

Additional PMI's Military Resources
PMI Resource Page that outlines resources, financials, and Q&A - this collectively provides a great look at what Veterans, Active Duty, and Spouses can do to start the road to PM certification:
The Military Guest Pass program grants a PMI Member free PMI Chapter membership to the first year that the individual elects to join a PMI Chapter. To qualify, you must first join PMI as a PMI Member. Want to learn more about your local chapter and membership, reach out to us by completing the Miliary Liaison Form or via email at:

PMI Northeast Florida

Military Outreach Team

Craig Koehler



Shelon Pounds

MBA, MA, PMP (USN Veteran)


Craig Soleim



Military Liaison Form

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