Career Empowerment Sessions

Our virtual sessions are specifically designed to help you acquire and hone skills to level up your career, including resume building, LinkedIn profile optimization, and increasing your visibility and leadership presence. These sessions provide a platform to ask questions, receive guidance, and get insights related to your career from your community.

Upcoming Sessions

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Previous Career Empowerment Sessions

  • Job Searching Tips and Tricks
  • Recruiter-Ready on LinkedIn: Profiles, Search Optimization, Etiquette, and Elevator
  • Today's Resume Essentials: Get Personalized Help & Real-Time Feedback
  • Elevator Pitch Workshop: Engage & Impress
  • Setting Career Goals for 2024
  • Interviewing Skills Workshop
  • Negotiating Compensation
  • Understanding Different PMI Certifications - Which one is right for you?
  • Project Management Software Tools: Which One?
  • Stretch Goals
  • Check-in With Your Goals
  • Professional Presence
  • Strategies to Get Promoted