Professional Presence

Business Acumen

Craft a powerful professional image that opens doors!


Focus on building a strong personal brand, mastering professional communication, and presenting yourself with confidence and authenticity in any workplace scenario.



Expert Guest: Cecile Latimore | Director of Customer Experience & Advocacy 

About: “To motivate people to see the good in themselves and others, even when the bad is more prevalent, so that the world is comprised of more superheroes for the next generation.”

To learn more about Cecile, click here to visit here linkedIn page. 

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Career Empowerment Sessions

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: June 26th, 2024

Hour: 12:00PM to 1:00PM

Registration close date: June 26th, 2024 at 10:55AM

# of PDUs: 1


Member Price$5.00

Non members: $5.00


Virtual - Zoom Meeting